Plutonian Warming?
Basically, it says that Pluto is getting warmer
So, what does that mean for us here on Earth? Well, since I have allready stated that Mars is warming up:
Martian Warming
It would seem only logical that the Earth is warming due to some connected cause. What could this cause be? Let us ask Al Gore. He (along with a bunch of other air-heads) says that us humans are the cause of the 1C temp. rise this past century. So are we the ones who are causing the temperature to rise on Mars, and on Pluto (for those of you that may be science deficient, Pluto is the furthest planet in the solar system, and the only human made devices to come close to it were the Voyager I and II probes). Or, could it be, I don't know, maybe.....THE SUN???????
I don't know, the sun is a 4% variable star, with cycles that we have only began to study, but I am sure that that isn't the cause of the slight, SLIGHT warming that the planets of the solar system has been experiencing. Maybe the Mars rover, the Viking lander, and those damn commie Russian landers are what started heating up Mars, and the reflected sunlight from the Voyager probes are what is causing the warming on Pluto. It must be, we are at fault.
There is only one solution, one that the ancient Japanese warriors used to practice when they lost their honor...and we, as a race, have lost our honor, so I guess that we need to all fall on our swords (i.e. stop all progress, strip naked, run out into the woods and eat berries and wipe our asses with leaves....hope the food holds out for 6 billion people). I will wait for Al Gore, Babs Streisand, and all the rest (Gilligan's Island) to start the new way of life before I do, because I for one will not be convinced that I am causing the wonton destruction of the Earth (hint, 1C in one century is nothing). Look into the far past to see how hot the Earth was...or look at the history of Greenland, when the Vikings settled it and farmed it, until the ice drove them off. Or, look at the history of England, where Rome grew grape vines for Roman wine...wait, grape vines don't grow in England now, it is too cold. I guess we will see who is right, the alarmists, or the rest of us.